Tuesday, October 22, 2019

character analysis of quentin essays

character analysis of quentin essays Quentin is the oldest child of the Compson family. He is a very intelligent boy. When he is preparing to go to Harvard, and his family sells a large land to a local golf club in order to afford the funds to send him there. We understand that Quentins future is very important for the family. He is the honor of the Compson family. I think Quentin is the most qualified person in the family because His brother, Benjamin is a speechless idiot who is always crying and moaning. His other brother, Jason is a cruel man that he blackmails Miss Quentins money. His father is an alcoholic who dies of alcoholism, and her mother is a pride and empty person. Caddy is also not a bright person he is a promiscuous girl. But Quentin loves so much her; he is always interested in Caddy. When Caddy loses her virginity, Quentin threatened to kill her and himself because Caddy is very important for Quentin. Quentin is a sensitive person and he always thinks about bad events in the family. He has lots of tragic memories about his family. Quentin is obsessed with Caddy and memories of her; especially he is obsessed with her promiscuity. The loss of her virginity gives a deep pain to Quentin. The pain that Caddys promiscuity causes Quentin seems too intense to be merely a disappointment at the staining honor. And Quentins response to her promiscuity is telling his father that he and Caddy committed incest. It is not the act a person concerned with family honor. It is rather the act of a boy who is in love with his sister and so obsessed with her purity and virginity. When he understands that Caddy had sex with Dalton Ames. He became very angry and he said III kill him I swear I will father needtnt know until afterward and then you and I nobody need ever know we can take my school money we can cancel my matriculation Caddy you hate him dont you these were words of a brother who wants to p rotect ...

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